【好文分享】5 Secrets of the happiest cats讓貓快樂的五大密訣
Cat Paradise 【貓天堂】寫於 2011年11月24日 22:17
讓貓快樂的五大密訣 撰文:大衛.麥爾,Adopt-a-Pet.com創辦人
5 Secrets of the happiest cats By David Meyer,Co-Founder of Adopt-a-Pet.com
As a co-founder of Adopt-a-Pet.com, North American's largest non-profit homeless pet adoption website with 10,000 animals shelters and 170,000 adoptable pets listed, I have learned quite a few things over the years about what makes cats happy. This is the first in a series of articles about how to make your cat happy, and how to help all pets in your community.
身為一個寵物認養網站的創辦人,北美最大的一個非營利事業組織專門為10,000流浪貓狗動物之家的動物們找家,目前有170,000隻動物被po 在網站上。
Happiness is preventing health problems.
Happiness is preventing health problems.
Secret 1. Happiness is a clean litter box. Cats are very cleanly animals, constantly grooming themselves, and eager to use a litter box when indoors. It can be easy in our busy lives to forget to clean the box, but remember, a clean litter box will keep your cat happy, healthy, and well behaved. Think of it like flushing the toilet for your kitty, so be sure to clean the litter each day, and replace it frequently!
【JoAnne 的話】每天定時清理貓沙盆的好處多多,您可以注意看到貓尿塊是否是一整塊而不是散散小尿塊,如果是散散的小小的尿塊表示貓可能有下泌尿道系統上的問題。
請注意:JoAnne 並不鼓勵在亞洲用放養的方式飼養貓咪,因為亞洲人口密度高,住商混合,住宅區裡會有家庭式小工廠,人車來往複雜,貓,八九不離十會被撞到。
Secret 2. Happiness is preventing health problems. Cats can't tell your when they don't feel well, so by the time your see a problem in their behavior, it can be a big problem. For example, fleas are probably the single most common thing that can make your cat unhappy, and by the time your see your cat scratching, your house has a flea problem. Be sure to prevent problems before they start. For example, by treating your cat monthly against fleas with a product like Bayer's Advantage.
Secret 2. Happiness is preventing health problems. Cats can't tell your when they don't feel well, so by the time your see a problem in their behavior, it can be a big problem. For example, fleas are probably the single most common thing that can make your cat unhappy, and by the time your see your cat scratching, your house has a flea problem. Be sure to prevent problems before they start. For example, by treating your cat monthly against fleas with a product like Bayer's Advantage.
【JoAnne 的話】給貓爸貓媽們,不要以為貓不出門永遠不會有跳蚤。
Secret 3. Happiness is mental stimulation. Cats are curious animals and they have instincts (such as stalking and pouncing) that need to get expressed. Give them toys, and whenver you can, dangle objects to get their attention and challenge them to chase and pounce. Also, give them a perch by a window where they can get sunlight and watch the birds outside!
Secret 3. Happiness is mental stimulation. Cats are curious animals and they have instincts (such as stalking and pouncing) that need to get expressed. Give them toys, and whenver you can, dangle objects to get their attention and challenge them to chase and pounce. Also, give them a perch by a window where they can get sunlight and watch the birds outside!
【JoAnne 的話】如果您只有一隻貓,不彷在認養一隻,因為這樣可以互相玩尾巴來得到滿足,一舉二得。請以認養代替購買哦!
Secret 4. Happiness is the right foods in the right amounts. More and more, I am seeing cats that are overweight, and as a result are lethargic and unhealthy. All you need to do is choose a well-known cat food, and don't overfeed your cats or give too many treats. I know it's hard to resist those sad eyes and meows, but keeping your cat at a healthy weight will ensure your cat feels great and avoid medical problems.
【JoAnne 的話】不合適及過量的食物帶來的疾病很多,請注意,蛋白質過量時容易造成胰臟及腎臟過度工作而產生胰臟炎或腎臟病。
Secret 5. All you need is love ( and cuddles). Most cats love to be petted. We might give them a pat on the head now and again, but a cat can be made so happy if you just take five minutes each night before bed, and really give your cat your full attention and a long, good petting. This will really make your cat feel loved, and can also give you a chance to notice any physical changes on your cat that might need attention.
Secret 5. All you need is love ( and cuddles). Most cats love to be petted. We might give them a pat on the head now and again, but a cat can be made so happy if you just take five minutes each night before bed, and really give your cat your full attention and a long, good petting. This will really make your cat feel loved, and can also give you a chance to notice any physical changes on your cat that might need attention.
【JoAnne 的話】這樣的親子時間可以讓您注意您的貓孩子的外觀是否有異狀。毛色毛量是否有改變等哦!