土盆 | 🍄樂愛生活手札


願 疫情遠離世界每一個人
你我心中有愛 生活就更心安



👀 關注 20/03_ 字放大

Containers, Planters, Grots, Stepping Stones

Thank you for stopping by and checking out my finished pieces. I can't tell you how much fun I've had making them. Hope you'll come back often as there are lots of projects to make before winter(and during LOL). Hope you have enjoyed the pictures and if you have any comments or suggestions please drop me an email.

01--I used a Folgers coffee can (large one) for measuring one of each peat moss, sand and cement which gave me two 11 x 11 stepping stones. You have to push the glass down deep and when you take the brush to it bring the cement down to the glass.
01 -我用了Folgers咖啡(大)測量每個泥炭蘚,沙子和水泥,這給了我兩個11 × 11的墊腳石 。您已經倒推玻璃深,當你把刷到它帶來的水泥玻璃

02--This is my second project using the same measurements as I did with the stepping stones but i used a little too much water. When I took it off the mold and was sanding it i popped a hole in the side. I've matched it and it seems to be holding water now.
02 -這是我的第二個項目使用相同的測量,作為我的墊腳石,但我用了一個有點太多水。當我把它的模具,並打磨它,我突然出現在側孔 。我匹配,似乎要水。

03--These are the first of the Grots that I've made. They were so much fun to build then mold the faces. Don't really like the clear eyes but it's all that I had at the time.

03 -這是我Grots的第一個。他們這麼多的樂趣,然後建立模具的面孔 。真的不一樣清澈的眼睛,但它的全部,我當時

04--I liked how the bird bath turned out so decided to add some color and make this stepping stone and as it turns out the yellow glass stands out better than I thought.

04 -我很喜歡鳥浴如何橫空出世,以便決定添加一些色彩,使這個踏腳石,因為它原來的黃色玻璃脫穎而出比我的想法。

05--I cut out this pattern on foam to give it the raised effect but the mold was only good for one use.
05 -我砍了這種格局對泡沫給它提出的效果,但模具是只有一個使用

06--This is my planter using Hpertufa and the small recycling box for the mold. I have not planted anything into yet but did place a basket of flowers in it for this year. I used the rocks I made with the bird bath as legs to keep it off the ground.
06 -這是我使用Hpertufa和模具的小型回收箱的播種機。我還沒有到尚未種植任何東西,但沒有到位,今年一籃子鮮花在它。我使用的岩石,我與鳥浴腿保持它離地面

07--I saw this on Efildoog's website and had to make it for my yard. It's only been out in the yard a short time but it sure does make people stop and look. :+)

07 - Efildoog的網站上我看到這一點,使我的院子裡 。只有在院子裡很短的時間,但它確實讓人們停下來看看


Well as promised more pictures of the projects that I've done during August. Most of the projects where made with 2 peat moss then one of each sand and cement also I used a courser sand for some of the later projects.
:+)******* 以及承諾的更多圖片我已經在8月完成的項目 。2泥炭蘚然後每個沙子和水泥,我也為以後的項目一個駿馬砂項目。 -------------------- -------------------------------------


08--I couldn't wait to see what it would look like with flowers in it so it was handy that this basket fit it almost perfect.

08 -我不能等待,看看有什麼會它看起來像鮮花,所以這是非常方便,這個籃子適合近乎完美

09--These were made from what was leftover when I made the planter in the next picture. I thought I would be able to plant small Marigolds in them and put them on my front step next year.
09 -這些是吃剩的下一張照片時,我在種植 。我想我可以種植在他們的小萬壽菊,並把它們在我的前面一步明年

10--I made this in a cardboard box lined with plastic putting in the base then put another box (that is in plastic) inside building the sides up, you have to have something heavy in the second box to hold it in place and so the sides don't bow out.
10 -我在一個紙箱內襯塑料基地,然後把另一箱(塑料)內建設方面,已經有重的東西在第二個框中舉行的地方,所以雙方不低頭了。

11--I love my candle light so that's why I made this one in amber for outside with the copper leaves. Being outside in the elements the copper is turning green which I think adds a nice touch.

11 -我愛我的燭光,所以這就是為什麼我以外這個琥珀中銅葉。銅返青,我認為在元素之外,增加了一個很好的接觸。

12--I really wasn't sure what I was going to do with these molds when I bought them but they make nice candle holders. I did mess up by taking them out of the mold to soon I have to leave them in there for at least 48 hrs. or the leaves break off. That's why you only see 3 instead of 4. I watched my girl friend Kris carve an owl into her Hypertufa bird bath so I gave it a try with the 8 inch stepping stone.

12 -我真的不知道我是我買的時候他們做這些模具的,但他們做出漂亮的燭台。我沒惹出來的模具很快,我要在那裡至少48小時,他們離開。或樹葉折斷。這就是為什麼你只能看到3而不是4。我看著她的Hypertufa鳥浴我的女孩的朋友克里斯雕刻成一隻貓頭鷹,所以我給它一個嘗試用8英寸的踏腳石。

13--I've seen lots of pictures of Castor Bean leaves castings, but I don't have any so I tried leaves from a Sunflower and Tobacco plant

14--I think I'm going to let the leaves wear off naturally I did take a knife to the sides to cut off the excess and help round them off. The two candle holders where made out of sundae cups from when we went for ice cream just the perfect size.

15--Objects may appear larger than they actually are LOL

16--I made the grots quite awhile back and just got around to making it's face last week, for the taller one I used iridized black glass and other has two stones for eyes that were found in our yard. The smaller flower pot on the bench was made for Kim as was the bird's water dish.










